Coca-Cola is the drink that is famous among the people, and which has charmed everyone from all segments of society with its irresistible taste. The Coca-Cola Company is ranked as the largest beverage distributor around the world. It manufactures and fills more than 400 types of drinks, but Coca-Cola is still the most popular among them.
Furthermore, it is exported to about 200 and more countries of the world. The company's drinks are distinguished by their wonderful taste and do not contain any percentage of alcohol. So let's get to know more about this global company.
How The Company Started?

The company was founded in 1892 and was headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. After businessman Asa Griggs Candler saw an increase in the number of people buying the drink.
In 1889, he decided to buy the drink formula for only $2,300 with the trade name. The company was not at that time serving Coca-Cola drinks in glass bottles like the ones we saw today, but instead poured them into cups from drink tanks.
However, the company was supplied with bottling machines in 1894 and this was due to the idea of two Chattanooga lawyers, Joseph Whitehead and Benjamin Thomas who thought it best that consumers could take the drink home or take it wherever they wanted.
Who Started?

Coca-Cola was not invented by Asa Griggs Candler, the founder of the company, but rather by pharmacist John Pemberton, who wanted to produce a product that did not contain alcohol. Therefore, he used a bunch of ingredients, which includes "coke" extracted from cocaine leaves, and the "cola" flavor derived from the seeds of the kola plant, which contains caffeine, then combined it with water with the addition of carbon dioxide to make a drink called Coca-Cola.
Dr. John Pemberton began tasting the drink and felt a different, delicious and refreshing taste, so he quickly put it in Jacobs' Pharmacy to be shown to people. It did not take long for people to start tasting it. They expressed their admiration for the drink, and then the drink was sold for only 5 cents per glass.
Where Did The Idea Come From?

The idea of producing Coca-Cola began with an attempt by Dr. John Pemberton to invent a product that would replace alcohol. At the beginning of its production, the drink was considered a type of medicine that strengthens nerves, relieves headaches, and helps in the digestive process.
At that time, the residents believed that sparkling water was beneficial to the body and health, especially after the residents felt refreshed and delicious after tasting Coca-Cola. After Asa Candler saw people's demand for the drink, he wanted to build a company for the drink and sell it, instead of putting it in a pharmacy with a desire to expand the product range.
The Start-up Struggle.

Coca-Cola differed from the rest of the companies. It did not suffer any problems when it established the company, especially since it obtained an audience for it before the establishment of the company.
But over the years, it has been criticized by health experts, who considered it has no benefit and harmful to health because it contains carbon dioxide as well as a high percentage of sugar. This resulted in a decrease in the company's growth rate and an increase in the demand of many consumers to produce non-carbonated drinks.
The Success.

The Coca-Cola Company achieved impressive success during its life, starting with one product and then developing to produce more than 38,000 brands spread around the world. It has produced a new low-calorie drink called Diet Coke.
It was the first new brand under the Coca-Cola logo since its founding in 1886. The company's sales increased by 7%. Diet Coke has become one of the most popular sugar-free drinks in America, and it continued to produce it until it was distributed all over the world, and it is available in more than 185 markets around the world.
In 1960, Coca-Cola traded shares to buy Minute Maid, and that was the company's first project outside of soft drinks. In the following year after it succeeded with Minute Maid, the company introduced a new soft drink called Sprite, which is now worth about $5 billion.
On the other hand, the company achieved consumer claims about the production of non-carbonated drinks by changing its activity from a soft drinks company to a total beverage company and purchasing new products such as Monster Beverages. It acquired a 16.7% stake in Monster Beverages, which was estimated at more than $3 billion in 2015.
Two years later, the company introduced a new formula called Coca-Cola Zero, which increased the company's profits as it has been introduced to markets around the world.
The Investor And Pitch To Start The Company.

Many businessmen have invested in the company, among them were the two Chattanooga, Joseph Whitehead and Benjamin Thomas who developed the product for one dollar to allow Asa Candler to implement the idea of bottling the drink in glass bottles.
In 1919, the Atlantean businessman, Ernest Woodruff sought to buy the company for an amount of 25 million dollars and appoints his son, Robert Winship Woodruff becomes president of the company and chairman of the board of directors during the years 1923 to 1955.
Aza Candler followed the marketing strategy to attract consumers to the product. He started his company by distributing free Coca-Cola to the public. The role of creative people in the production of advertisements and marketing campaigns had an important role in the success of the company, increasing its growth rate and expanding the product range to include all parts of the world.