Have you ever bought a product through online platforms? If you did, you might heard of Shopee which is a popular online shopping application for people to buy product from seller straightly delivered to your house.
Shopee was launched in 2015 in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines. From the popularity of Shopee among Malaysians, you might think that Shopee is a Malaysian company while it is actually a Singaporean multinational technology company which focus on e-commerce.
Throughout these years, Shopee stands out and become a popular brand that thrives the e-commerce in SEA. Shopee might be a late-comer in the e-commerce community, but it is definitely not losing competing with all the other brands out there. Let’s check out how Shopee can successfully spread its name to the whole SEA.
Investment And Revenue

Shopee’s GMV grew from $41MM in 2015 while getting $3.4Bn in 2018. In the year 2019, they became the leader of SEA E-commerce’s mobile shopping application.
After 3 years of launching in 2018, it completed a $10Bn GMV mark and became the leader of SEA E-commerce economy which doubled year by year in 2015-2018. Shopee also operates under their parent company and receive supports from their sister company – Garena.
Localization And Engagement

As Shopee is a customer-oriented company which prioritize the customer first, they provide enjoyable shopping experience to both the sellers and buyers. This creates a friendly environment to the community which is also an important factor to make Shopee a popular shopping platform for the users.
Shopee will customize each market such as features in culture, language, and marketing strategies to enable the company to leverage data science to grow sustainably.

Shopee had designed a variety of mini games for their users to collect coins, vouchers and other type of prizes. It is actually a marketing strategy called “shoppertainment” which gain a lot of popularity. Other example of shoppertainment are the livestreams and events that can be seen in the Shopee application.
The traffic increases as the engagement on e-commerce are enhancement by this marketing strategy. Thus, Shopee had made a great decision to utilize this strategy to a good use and as users we can see that this had brought an amount of traffic and active users to Shopee.

As mentioned, Shopee is an application focusing on online e-commerce which allows the users to purchase the product from anywhere and anytime they want. They also provides delivery services so the users will not have to worry about it. All they have to do is make payment and relax until the courier service deliver their parcels to their houses.
On the other hand, it is also convenient and easy for seller to set up their own shop. They just need to register as a Shopee shop and design their shop and product and they are good to go.

Finally, much like other online marketplace, such as Lazada, Shopee also promotes their brand and company through different websites and platforms. Sometimes we can see Shopee’s ads in YouTube for a few seconds long which are promoting their events and promotions to attract a wider audience to their marketplace.
Other than that, they will hire influencers to promote their brand. As you can see from the picture above, Shopee hired a world-known movie star, Jackie Chan, to promote their business which might attract potential customers and fans of Jackie Chan to use their application to purchase for goods.